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Easy Valve Finder
Find everything you need with our wizard.
Product selection filter and search by name, code or brand at the top of the page
Brass, Stainless Steel or Plastic valves.
Select valves according to Body Material, Brass, Stainless steel and various Plastics.
Find valves according to pressure, Under 1 Bar, Up to 10 Bar, 25 Bar, 50 Bar and high pressure valves up to 500 Bar.
Find valves suitable for low, medium and high vacuum.
Find solenoid valve coils according to bore size, width, length and voltage including ATEX coils
Information Guides
BS EN 10204 certification types
Definitions of material testing and certification in DIN50049, types 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1A, 3.1B, 3.1C and 3.2.
Buzzing and humming noisy solenoid valve.
Explanation on why solenoids can buzz or hum and what you can do to solve this.
Information on chemical compatibility for different chemicals and materials of construction.
Coil guide for solenoid valves.
Information about coil duty ratings, ingress protection (IP) and Temperature Class.
Flow coefficients for typical ball valves according to size and pressure rating.
Amps, AC, DC, Diode, Ohm, Rectifier, Resistance, Suppressor, Varistor, Volt and Watts explained and how to calculate these.
Fault Diagnosis for solenoid valves
In the unlikely situation you find your solenoid valve not working correctly, please use the title link above to view our Solenoid Valve Fault Diagnosis page, in which you can see the most common reasons for solenoid valves not working incorrectly.
Sizes and other information for PN16, PN40, ANSI and JIS10K flanges.
Flow coefficients and flow calculations.
Calculating and understanding flow factors and how to convert between Cv, Kv, and Qn.
2/2 way, 3/2 way normally closed or normally open, 5/2 and single and double acting or 5/3 way explained.
Calculate the pressure of water according to its height
Installation and Maintenance Instructions.
General IOM instructions for solenoid valves.
General IOM instructions for angle seat pneumatic valves.
IP ratings and ingress protection explained and how best to wire a DIN43650 connector.
Understanding and converting NEMA Protection Ratings for solenoid valves explained
Degreasing solenoid valves ready for oxygen service explained.
Conversion chart, psi, mbar, bar, atm, Pa, kPa, MPa, cmH2O, in H2O, ft H2O, mm Hg (Torr), in Hg, kg/cm2 and ft. seawater
Reverse Osmosis, RO water, Pure Water and Demineralised water.
Explanation why we need to choose the correct valve for RO, Demineralised + Pure water.
Explanation of why rust can be found in a solenoid valve.
Information about most used seal and valve body materials and chemical compatibility.
Shading ring in a solenoid valve.
Explanation on Copper and Silver Shading Rings used in solenoid valves, what they are and what they do.
Steam Pressure to Temperature chart.
Steam temperature is directly related to pressure, click link above for steam pressure to temperature table.
The world of solenoid valves has developed its own abbreviations and terminology to deal with an ever-increasing variety of functionality, layout, design and applied standards.
View actual BSP thread sizes and valves with that sizes thread or flange
A table for the amount of torque to be applied to an Aluminium, Metal and push fitting.
Ex Works, Carriage Paid, delivered at terminal, Delivered duty paid, Free on board, cost insurance and freight, Free carrier, Carriage and insurance paid, delivered at place, Free alongside ship and Cost and Freight explained.
Torr, MM Hg (a), PSI (a), Inches Hg (a), Inches Hg (v), Atmospheres, Inches H2O (a), Inches H2O (v), Kg/CM2, kPa, mbar.
Absolute + Relative vacuum cross-reference guide by: %, ATM, PSI, Torr (mmHg), In Hg, kPa, Bar, mbar
A detailed view of common solenoid and pneumatic symbols explained.
Understanding viscosity as a measure of a fluid's resistance to flow and tables of common fluids.
Why use a solenoid valve or a motor actuated ball valve?
The pro and cons of using a solenoid valve compared to a motor actuated valve.
The How-to guides.
Solenoid Valve Fault Diagnosis
In the unlikely situation you find your solenoid valve not working correctly, please use the title link above to view our Solenoid Valve Fault Diagnosis page, in which you can see the most common reasons for solenoid valves not working incorrectly.
ABVM Mini Actuated Ball Valve all wiring options
The ABVM valve are typically either failsafe 2 wire or power open/close 3 wire, here are all the other variants
ABVM ID codes explained. Example ID: 2503T342N2000.
25 = year 2025, 03 = March, T342 = production code, N2000 = batch quantity
How to wire an ABVM motor actuator.
Instructions on how to wire our ABVM motor actuated ball valve and open/closed feed back wires.
How to change batteries in ABVMSA water leak detection controller.
Instructions on how to correctly install AA batteries in the ABVMSA water leak detection system controller.
How to change a solenoid valve armature assembly.
Instructions on the correct way to remove or install a solenoid valve armature or tube assembly.
Instructions and images of BSP thread sizes. You can also find valves according to the thread diameter here.
How to wire a DIN43650 electrical connector.
Instructions on the correct way to wire and mount a solenoid valve connector.